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When To Apply Fertilizer

TIming is everything when it comes to fertilizer application. But when is the optimal time to apply?

WIth 4 Step Programs, including Scott's 4 Step program, it makes it easier than ever to apply a fertilizer and keep your lawn nice and green all year long.

All lawns are deficient in nitrogen because grass quickly uses up the natural supply. Fertilizer helps to replace the nitrogen for a healthier and greener lawn. If you follow the fertilization schedule in the 4-Step Program by Ace® or Scotts®, your lawn will thrive and you can enjoy a lush and green lawn this season. Here’s the 4-Step Program schedule.

Step 1: Cragbrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food

Best time to apply this is anytime between February and April when temperatures are still cool (under 80F). Most step 1 fertilizers prevent crabgrass before it has the ability to germinate. It also will feed your lawn to green up a winter-weary lawn. Rule of thumb: Apply before easter.

Step 2: Weed Control Plus Lawn Food

Late spring is the time to apply a step two fertilizer, shoot for anytime between April and June. But be sure to wait 4-6 weeks after applying your step 1 fertilizer. This fertilizer will kill many broadleaf weeds like dandelions that can viciously take over your lawn. It will also feed and nourish your lawn. It builds a thick, green turf from the roots up. Rule of thumb: apply near Memorial Day

Step 3: Lawn Food with Iron

Give your lawn a mid-season boost with an application of a step 3 fertilizer. Apply in the summer, between June and August and this fertilizer will help feed and strengthen the lawn against the heat and drought of the summer. Rule of Thumb - apply near Independence Day

Step 4: Fall Lawn Food or Winterizer

Usually, a step 4 fertilizer can be applied 4-6 weeks after your third application, between August and November. It will green up the lawn, help strengthen and protect it against a harsh winter, and jump start you on the following year. Play this one by ear and follow the weather patterns. If we experience a warmer autumn, you can wait until it cools.

Following this timing will ensure a beautiful lawn all year long. Think of Plain City True Value when it comes to fertilizer this year. Remember this timing:

Step 1: Appy Before Easter

Step 2: Apply Near Memorial Day

Step 3: Apply Near Independence Day

Step 4: Apply After Labor Day

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