Five Easy Ways to Update your Home
From your True Value Experts!
Whether you are short on time or cash, but have the itch to update your home - we will give you five easy tips to update the look and feel of your home!
Tip #1:
LIGHTBULBS: Most of us don’t even think of the ambiance and mood that the lighting inside our house makes. As well, a lot of us move residences but don’t think about updating the lighting or bulbs in our house. Advancements in lighting these days make a huge difference! Lighting hues range from soft glows to bright whites and it's fairly easy and affordable to buy long lasting bulbs that would totally change the lighting in your space.

Tip #2:
PAINT: Have a room that just isn’t fun or even comfortable? Buy a gallon of paint! Even if you just have a little ambition, cover one wall in a soothing tone and see how it changes the room! Fun pops of color or bold hues can totally change the way your home feels and the price of a gallon of paint is a very economical way to update your home.

Tip #3:
CABINET/DRAWER PULLS: Something as simple as updating your hardware in your kitchen can make a massive change to its appeal. The trends in cabinet pulls right now are super fun yet very inexpensive! You could easily change out the pulls in one room in a day and go from drab to updated and charming.

Tip #4:
CAULK: Sounds silly, but replacing the areas of caulk in your house with fresh, clean lines of bead will make your home feel clean and renewed. Caulk is about the easiest substance to work with and a very economical way to update areas of your home. There are many how to videos regarding application of caulk - but trust us, you can do it!

Tip #5:
CURB APPEAL: Pots, plants, a clean and colorful front door all catch the eye! For starters, a few potted plants on your steps creates a warm invite. A fun pop of color with a bright front door helps your house stand out. A clean yet trendy doormat is also fun. Top the look off with a live or silk wreath.

All of these tips and products are available at your local True Value store! Ask any expert for advice and guidance to update your home with these simple and easy suggestions.